Sunday, April 17, 2011

I was on sabbatical...

I apologize for the month long break between posts!  It seems that everything decided to happen in the past few weeks and I completely forgot about the blog.  So, here are a few updates on what has been going on:

USAT Collegiate Nationals - 2:07:35 (44th overall, 3rd on MSU Tri Team)

Swim felt good (21:30).  I was coming out of the water with people in waves 1 & 2 and I started in wave 3 (not sure if that says more about me or them)

Bike was strong (1:02:10).  It was quite the draft fest out there though.  Lots of penalties in the first few waves.

Run was a disaster (41:30).  Started out well...the first 2 miles I averaged 6:30/mi, but then I started getting a blister and it got hot and everything fell apart.  Walked 3 times through aid stations and almost puked with .5 mile left because of the record high temps that day in Alabama.

 Overall it was still a good result as the mens team was 5th and overall (men&women) the team was 4th.  We placed behind some stellar competition (Colorado University, West Point, and UC Berkeley).  Certainly not my best race ever as I should have run in the 38's and swam about 1' faster to put me around a 2:04.

Now that I have recovered from the heavy drinking and bus ride home after the race, I have started training for Triple T Ohio.  This will be my second year doing this race.  Last year I was 2nd in my Age Group and did the whole race solo.  This year, I will be on a team with a good buddy Matt Inch and we hope to place in the Team Category and win some $$.  We had a stellar run yesterday where we averaged 6:55/mi for 8mi and finished with a push for the last mile and held sub 6:00/mi.  Definitely a confidence builder.

Here is the general plan for Triple T:
Swim ~ 10,000 scy/week
Bike ~ 150 mi/week
Run ~ 35-40 mi/week

Lets hope I can hold to this when exams and school come into play in a few weeks!

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