Friday, October 14, 2011

Lazing About and Motivation

Somehow, I have arrived at the point in my collegiate career that I am a mere 8 weeks from graduating and I have lost every ounce of motivation that I once posessed.  For the majority of the previous decade, I worked tirelessly to get good grades, internships, jobs, etc.  But now, I find that with only 2 months until commencement, I would rather screw around on the internet, play with bicycles, and run myself into a tired stupor than do any iota (I only used this word because it was in my crossword today) of homework or studying.  I think this comic from XKCD very accurately describes my day to day routine so far this semester

I never trust anyone who is more excited about success than about
doing the thing they want to be successful at

I think the scheduled routine of planned IM workouts and a full time job throughout the summer was great for me as it forced me to stay focused.  This 13hrs of class each week and working out whenever I feel like it is not as productive as I like being.  Anybody want to plan my life for me?

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