Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh! The Midterms!

Let me lay this out for you real quick:

Monday - Tissue Mechanics quiz
Tuesday - Biomechanical Design Exam
Wednesday - Mechanical Design II Exam
Thursday - Vibrations Lab Report due
Friday - Tissue Mechanics Exam; Vibrations Homework due hurts my brain just looking at the schedule!  Those are just the assignments/exams too!  There are project steps that need to be completed and classes/labs to attend as well.

I have no idea how I'm going to try to squeeze some running/biking/swimming into all of this.  I just can't convince myself that it is worth it to go for a quick run when I have so much studying to do.  When I take my breaks, I find myself pacing the kitchen and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter, nutella, ice-cream or any combination of the previous three.  This does make me feel a bit better though:

In a lighter note (read: sunnier), after my classes Friday I will be taking off to Ft. Myers, FL for Spring Break!   My older sister, her boyfriend, and I will be driving down there Friday and arriving Saturday evening.  Then, Sunday morning I will be running in the Hooters Half Marathon (race details/strategies to follow in another post).

For now, wish me luck as I try to cram all this knowledge into my brain only to make a feeble attempt at regurgitating it during an exam.

Over, out, and off to bed.

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